
أخبار الشركة في Exportpages

Comet Yxlon GmbH

A sediment slab from the Holstein rock was to be examined for its fossil content using computer t...

Dunkermotoren GmbH

Exploit the full potential of your smart motor solution

LogiMAT in Stuttgart is regard...

Bronkhorst High-Tech BV

For decades, Bronkhorst's renowned MASS-STREAM product range for gas flow measurement and control...

Voortman Steel Machinery

The Voortman Fabricator, a truly ground-breaking innovation that took the steel industry by storm...

Comet Yxlon GmbH

min 24 yanayir - 26/01/2024
nibkun alyaban 2024

ifm electronic GmbH
Essen, December 2023 - The German Design Award once again goes to ifm. After the jury last honored three of the company's products with the prestigious award in 2021, it will present the award in 2024 for the condition monitoring tool moneo RTM. It is the first design award for a software product from ifm.
Exportpages International GmbH

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